My Projects

I have always been enthusiastic about the chaotic nature of fractals, so I created interactive projects to show my students how cool fractals are


Here are some of my latest projects, and I always try to come up with new ones:

Ray-marching model of the mandelbulb in GLSL

I tried to make a coronavirus model, looks rather bubbly. ShaderToy, Ray Marching

Julia sets and fractal tree, Processing

Anti Hamas Twitter Bot

In the beginning of the 2023 Israel-Hamas War I created a Twitter bot that sends Anti-Hamas tweets (until I get blocked...) using Python TwitterBot API


Working application in c and pythonC API that runs on random text matrices

μsic music generator

Far from being Mozart, but this prototype writes simple melodies using Keras LSTM models, markov chains and genetic algorithms in python. UI and user handling built using Unity and Firebase

Beethoven would probably turn in his grave if he read this... but ok:)

Still working on:

Physics Engine game

The game I'm currently working on in JavaScript is a physics engine from scratch. Some ideas I've incorporated by now are quad trees, mechanics concepts, particle systems, OOP and more

I will keep updating as I progress:)

Random Stuff

Some undefined projects

Ray-marched Valentine's day ring

The Solar System

Happy snakes in a Perlin Noise vector field

Art projects